vInternship.orgSupported by ICT Division, Govt. of Bangladesh, eSRD-Lab, Dept. of CSE, BUET |
Enrollment Instructions
Welcome to be a member of the vInternship.org family. The enrollment instructions are as follows:
Orientation Information
Date: 02-Feb-2022 Time: 9:00 AM Zoom Link: https://bdren.zoom.us/j/69471476777?pwd=V2V3dEpNa0hvQ3dCMklIbG5hSXNjdz09 Meeting ID: 694 7147 6777 Password: 525226 |
Consent Submission
1. Submit a consent form. You can get the consent form here: vInternship Consent.docx 2. You must download the form, provide the information in that form and submit it into the vInternship portal (after login, you can find the option in My Internship Tab) 3. After successful submission of the consent form, you will be enrolled as an intern and get access to the internship dashboard and other features. 4. Your applicant id will be transformed into an intern id. You can log in to the vInternship.org portal with applicant id/intern id/email and password. |
1. The top two performers every month will get a full waiver. 2. An intern must pay the monthly fee within the first week of every month. 3. Monthly fee is based on the internship track. As we declared before, the monthly fees are as follows: a. MySoft Full Stack Development vInternship: 2000 Tk. b. MySoft Health Data Analytics vInternship: 2500 Tk. |
Please follow the above instructions and enroll as an intern in vInternship.org!
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Abu Sayed Md. Latiful Hoque
Professor, Department of CSE, BUET
& Head of eSRD-Lab, Dept. of CSE, BUET